Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lolkick Sims Log I - Lords of the Fishes

In the world of The Sims 3, a new family has moved into Sunset Valley. A mysterious organization known only as "Lolkick" has been born into this world, here to live their Sim lives. All, they shall experience; love, tragedy, happiness, promotion, toiletlessness. Here, on this beachside house, Door Nothing, Tabris Schiller, and Hexed Magica live their lives as scientist, police officer, and musician, respectively. What awaits them in Sunset Valley now?

First of all, it seems some new villagers have moved in to Sunset Valley. Far from The World That Never Was, Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, and Lexaeus have settled into the Organization XIII Household in the suburbs. Slenderman and BEN have settled far in the rural edge of town in the Creepypasta Household, and that's not all. The Warriors of Light are even here; Black Mage Evilwizarding, Fighter McWarrior, Thief Robber, and Red Mage Statsowski have moved into the the suburb next to Lolkick. Across the street from them is their good friend White Mage Healer. Hooray for immigration!

It was a normal night: Hexed had just gone to sleep at about 3 AM, and Door was still up doing dishes and cleaning up after their laziness. Suddenly, Door realizes that something is missing, after he purchased a $700 chair. Hexed's guitar that was before in the window alcove was missing. Door checked his bag and the others' bags while they were asleep, though it was missing! It might have been that potential girlfriend that Door found in his new bed last night, he was told not to trust her... however, upon venturing into the lamp-adorned computer room, the guitar was just right there in the middle of the room. Must have been Tabris's doing, he's always in there.

Eventually, everyone woke up the next day. Door went straight to working on his thriving apple garden, using fresh apples straight from the groceries Tabris just put in the refrigerator. Hexed was practicing guitar all day. Tabris had a lot planned after his noon-ish wake up. First he had to get ready to go to the park. So he showered, ate something, and the finally used the sink to wash dishes. But then, oh no! The sink has a leak, and water is gushing everywhere! Tabris, being the only mechanic in our household, could have fixed it. Instead, he went straight on to the park. However, a certain mysterious, almost godly force from above compelled him to return and fix the sink. Now he gets to go to Cooking Classes, hooray!

Door, already tired, went to sleep at 4 PM. Hexed had decided to take on the cleaning this afternoon, doing some fixing up in the bathroom after much guitar practice. We received great word that Tabris had reached the fourth tier of culinary excellence, and could now prepare his favorite delicacy for the Lolkick Household: spaghetti! To celebrate, Hexed decided to go meet Tabris at the park. They enjoyed a nice night of fishing, which they could definitely take home from the public park. Tabris cought several minnows, while Hexed miserably flailed his line in and out of the minnow-infested waters. After reeling in a total of nine minnows, the duo returned to the Lolkick Household. Little did they know of Door's plans to use their fish as... fertilizer!

Back at home, Tabris and Hexed were sure not to wake Door. Hexed went straight for his guitar, while Tabris fixed up some goopy carbonara. Suddenly, Door woke up from Hexed's strumming, greeted by the smell of strong alfredo sauce. Tabris was occupied at the moment, dropping his minnow Mr. Flippers into his fishbowl near the stove. Shortly after, Hexed and Tabris went to sleep, as though trading shifts with Door. Door happened to notice a new fishy friend was in the kitchen. He fed it three times between 4 AM and 5 AM. Next, he went to do some good ol' fashioned night gardening, as of yet unable to begin fertilizing his apples with minnows that Hexed and Tabris caught.

The next day began just after night gardening. Tabris woke up early to go to his job at the police station, while Door started to get ready for his job at the science lab. Tabris's boss was delighted by his progress, while Door's boss was asking more of him in the botanical field. Meanwhile, Hexed woke up and, after a sandwich for breakfast accompanied by a shower, practiced his guitar for hours before his musical job. However, an odor filled the home that was purely atrocious. Hexed, after much looking, discovered that leftovers had spoiled in the fridge. Looks like Tabris's cooking went unnoticed!

Suddenly, Hexed received a call to the house. It was Door from work, in a panic. Door told him that he had to drink an odd chemical at work as part of an experiment. Apparently, it was a grave mistake, and there's been an effect on Door. Unfortunately, there was nothing Hexed could do, but he would have to wait until Door returned home to look more into this. Luckily, whatever had happened to Door was not contagious.

Tabris and Door arrived home simultaneously, just as Hexed was leaving for work. Tabris was exhausted and immediately crashed. Door seemed... different. While Hexed did not notice anything physically changed about him, something about his behavior was definitely weird when he glanced at him silently a few minutes ago. Door crashed soon after as well, leaving whatever that chemical's effect on him was a total mystery... but only for now.

1 comment:

  1. Well, only thing that needs knowing is that hilarity ensued for much of the day.
