Monday, February 28, 2011

DoorToNothing vs. Blogger: Battle of the Backgrounds

So as you may have noticed, the snow and winter theme that previous covered my blog has disintegrated. Replacing it is... stars. Lots of them. Actually, it's more like a lot of lights in the sky, though I think they are all stars. Seems safe to assume such.

Anyway, I planned to make this awesome new theme--it combined a purple hue of the spiral Julia Fractal over dark and enigmatic space clouds that I quickly rendered. I spent an hour making the beautiful theme--it even had a GURREN LAGANN quote at the end of it next to a spiral. Then, I tried to upload it.

I was expected to suddenly see only pure, unfiltered beauty all over the page. Instead...

I was definitely upset at this; notice that trollin' emoticon, a la trollin' Blogger. I noticed that there was a file limit of 300 KB. So I go to check on the size of my image; apparently, it takes 2.9 MB of beauty to create a background as awesome as mine. Somehow, though, I didn't understand this logic. How can a teeny 300 KB image you probably have to tile be awesome enough for a background? Basically, Blogger is trying to tell me that ten hideous things are the equivalent of something totally awesome.

Anyway, I was suddenly given an idea by a friend: convert the image to .jpg! Now I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate saving images in .jpg due to the loss of quality, but I had to do what had to be done; and so I did. And I tried again to upload the image, using all of my blood, sweat, and tea--

Well that didn't work. Maybe if I shrink the image down while maintaining the ratio, I can just expand it in the template designer. Let's try 50%!

... maybe 33%?

Come on, 20%, it's all you. The last hope. The last dice in the box, the final draw of the cards.

YES, IT WORKED. But oh, Blogger apparently doesn't allow you to expand your image's size in the template designer, so you get stuck with either a tiny image, a horribly tiled image, or a row/column of your image that stalks your screen into eternity. At this point I just gave up and threw this blue starry image on the blog. Ergo, "Screw the template designer, I have ugly substitutes."

But no, no! I had to try one last time, perhaps it was just a glitch in the system. I got my image ready. I perfected it, checked all of its properties, made sure everything was ready for upload. I could feel it, it was going to work. I opened the template designer, I clicked on the image thumbnail, and I selected "Upload image". I found the image, and I selected it! Yes, this it is, it's going to wo--


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