Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lolkick Sims Log II - The Tragedy of Hexed Magica

Where we lest left off, Hexed received an ominous call from another member of the Lolkick Household, Door. Door explained that a terrible reaction occurred at work, affecting him in some way. While nothing could be seen immediately by Hexed, he detected that something was definitely up...

As Door slept that night, Hexed tried to take his mind off it by playing some computer games. Tabris was especially angry at this. He had been working extra hard at work to try and catch that criminal he met the other day, and could really have used some destressing from some computer games. Trying to solve this, he bought a TV for the house, but the video game consoles were far too expensive for the Lolkick Household's ~$1,000 budget. So instead, he made spaghetti. Then he watched a TV program about making spaghetti at 2 AM.

Door woke up right around then, hearing the voice of some Italian pasta specialist across the home. He also noticed some very nice spaghetti was out, so he grabbed some for breakfast and then sat by Tabris. After a few hours of that, the two got cleaned up for work, at left promptly at 8 AM. Hexed awoke around noon, and did his increasingly traditional round of cleaning. He certainly was a Speedy Cleaner. Hexed finally left the house at 3 PM, bumping into Door and Tabris on his way out. Something still was odd about him, but it was a total mystery.

Door and Tabris both ate leftover spaghetti--which seemed to always be in the fridge these days--and suddenly, a call came in for Door. It was Fiona, Door's good lady friend. The two chatted for a while, but Tabris simply headed straight for his messy bed to sleep 'til midnight. After his call ended, Door too hit the hay--for once, the house was totally peaceful, quiet, and all was well... then, about an hour later, Hexed was home. Since Door and Tabris had oddly picked up after themselves so nicely, Hexed was able to go straight for some leftover spaghetti and his beloved guitar.

However, as Hexed walked into the kitchen, he heard an odd ringtone come from the front of the house. Tabris, in his sleep, was getting a call on his phone. Scrambling out of bed, Tabris half-awake answered the phone. It was an elementary school teacher. Apparently, this odd elementary school teacher who stays up until near-midnight wanted Tabbeh to make cookies for her class. Tabris sleepily agreed, and then slept again. He couldn't sleep too long though, so he awoke shortly after, and went to make waffles. Oh well, at least it wasn't pudding at 4 AM because he had lost control of his life.

Door awoke a few hours later, and went straight to the computer to play a few games while Tabris was cooking waffles. The two enjoyed a typical 4 AM breakfast in their pajamas, and then Door went to go get ready for work. Tabris, though, felt called to action. The stove seemed so bland, so simple... so he decided to put a wrench to it and tinker with it. Alas, after two whole hours of tinkering, there was no result, so Tabris dashed outside to catch his carpool, as did Door. Tabris received a glorious raise that day, and Door finally finished his independent study to turn into to his boss.

Hexed, having nothing to do that day, sat around eating waffles for the beginning of the afternoon. He then cleaned up the mess Door and Tabris left, and spent a long time cleaning. Then, about 3 PM--oh no! Hexed has to go perform at a musical assembly at the local school today at 4 PM! Just then, Door came home, with great news--he was promoted to Useless Contraption Manipulator! He tried to tell the news to Hexed, but he was way too rushed to listen. After he had left, Tabris has coincidentally just been promoted to Desk Jockey!

The assembly was short and unentertaining, but Hexed earned some money for the Lolkick Household. He came home to see a fatigued Door gardening his beloved apple trees, and Tabris making Grilled Cheese for the whole family. The two were sleeping within the hour, though Hexed was still full of energy. Not realizing he was in the "bedroom" (the living room near the front of the house with three beds in it), he starting strumming a mighty chord progression. Tabris and Door awoke in a fury, neither having any energy not will to argue with Hexed about this. Instead, Tabris stole Hexed's guitar from him while he was cleaning up a bit, infuriating Hexed. Tabris quickly returned to sleep as Door did, and Hexed went to practice in the computer room. He was learning the art of serenading a woman... but who, oh who would this woman be?

Hexed went to sleep shortly after this, and all three Sims were asleep. Tabbeh awoke around 5 AM, met by a gruesome, Godawful smell. He check the kitchen, only to find most of the sandwiches he had made just the night before spoiled and unrefrigerated, as was Hexed's responsibility. Tabris reached his breaking point. First Hexed woke him up in his sleep, and now this! What's next, is he going to destroy Tabris's beloved computer. Tabris had to act quickly. While Hexed was sleeping oh-so-peacefully, Tabris changed out his sheets and bedding, changing his pure-black bed into a mixture of pink, aqua, bright yellow, and lime green tones. Hexed's masculinity, his manly fighting spirit shall never recover from this, and Tabris would already be safely at work when he would awaken!

In an act of irony, Tabris left a plate of hot waffles out just before he ran out to his carpool waiting for him, as did Door. Just about two hours later, Hexed awoke, lazily and well-rested. However, once his eyes opened, it was like looking into the devil's eyes, being forced to stare into creepypasta even. Hexed was appalled by the evil that was laying right in front of him. He dare not even touch the sheets to make the bed. Just then, Hexed began to smell a foul odor coming from the kitchen... again! Hexed felt his manliness destroyed, and like something was haunting or acting against him. Something was up... but oh, what could this "something" be?

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