Saturday, March 26, 2011

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Log II

The story so far: this is the story of a man who continues to defy logic. After Sora's adventures with Xemnas and the Organization had come to their end, Jiminy begins to find cryptic messages in his initial journal. To discover their meaning, Mickey Mouse and two squirrels code the journal and create a very often confused data Sora. After fighting through the glitches in Destiny Islands, the data Sora was sucked into the world's darkness looming above, which took him to...

Traverse Town! Sora does indeed discover that he saved Destiny Islands from the glitches. As commanded by the overlord of his existence, King Mickey, Sora meets up with Cid, former Gummi Ship expert. Cid reveals that Traverse Town is no better than the islands Sora just left--the blox are here too! Sora knows he must go and debug this world too--only because that Overlord Mickey politely orders him to--though Cid offers an extra task. Apparently some triplets have gone missing, and it's up to Sora to save the day! And you guessed it, it's those pesky duck brothers: Huey, Dewey, and Louie.

... I swear, if I have to play Ice Cream Beat again, I might just quit this game right now.

However, before Sora even thought about finding any triplets, he ran into a furry white creature. The creature, called a Moogle, seemed to be some kind of unnatural cross between bat and cat and small bear cub. Sora named the creature "Steve", and then purchased two new commands from the Steve Store. Then, Sora decided to go bungee jumping through the skies of Traverse Town by running on people's roofs and jumping across a variety of floating blocks.

Eventually remembering his duties as a data slave to the Mouse empire, Sora ventured into Second District, and smote many blox. Later, Sora found Huey standing on the edge of a fortress of blox. Realizing that Huey was probably going to jump in what could be considered self-killing, Sora saved him, for the sake of the game's ESRB rating. After destroying a few Heartless that dared to block his way, the first of these maleficent ducks was saved from certain death. However, before Huey could reveal the secrets to defeating this world's blox and the location of his brother, his cacomorphobia kicked in. Huey subsequently fled the scene, and Sora killed the Large Body. He figured that a being this large deserved to be burned, so a flurry of Fira and Heat Dash did the job.

Sora, being less than intelligent as always, then told Huey to go away. Rather than listen to Huey, Sora decided to go check out this "Third District" he had heard about. But alas, a mysterious beckoning force compelled Sora not only to refrain from entering this district, but also forced him into a dark alleyway. Sora finds Dewey rather easily, but Dewey then forces Sora to follow him back into Second District to find something he dropped. Sora, figuring the item was a toy or a duck treat or some other item that the young protagonist would enjoy, followed along, intent on eliminating Dewey if he stood in the way between Sora and simple entertainment.

Sadly, Dewey's item was never found, despite the murdering of Heartless in hopes of locating it. But oh, suddenly, a system sector reveals itself! After over ten minutes of fruitless searching, Sora finally found the portal embedded in the ground. The mysterious force above Sora punished him for his shameful failure by ramming against a wall several times.

Upon entering it, Sora noticed that something wasn't quite right about this sector. He looked at the walls, and they were moving! Then Sora noticed his enemy--a blox caterpillar. A bunch of blocks had formed into a moving line, ready to ram and chase Sora. Though the insect's head was his target, Sora began by destroying its segments that formed the body, earning many System Pies. After two rounds of chasing this annoying bugger around, no pun intended, Sora effectively brought oblivion to the blox.

Sora, being the best babysitter ever, did not simply trust Dewey to go back to Cid. No, Sora decided to walk Dewey aaaaaaall the way back to First District. Now on his way to Third District, Sora noticed something. The doorway out of First District had vanished. There was no real explanation, other than it "just happens." So Sora found another system sector, collected many System Pies, and recovered the door. After more Heartless became jelly at the hands of the Keyblade master and Second District was cleared once, Sora arrived in Third District. Immediately, Sora was swarmed with Heartless; fat ones, armored ones, floating ones even! Sora had been ignited several times; perhaps this was it, his end was here! But no; through an incredibly powerful technique known as "button-mashing," Sora overcame the Heartless pack.

Then, the obviously evil black cloaked man reappeared, headed for First District. Courageously, Sora chased him down, right into another Backdoor! However, this system sector was different--it already looked clean, cleared. But alas, Heartless spawned to devour Sora's heart! As he progressed through the labyrinth, Sora found the Heartless to be more powerful than before. In fact, for the first time, the Heartless overcame Sora. However, he came back, and fought his way to victory and honor.

After exiting this sector, Sora seems to have completely forgotten that he was looking for a man in a black cloak... wait, what was Sora doing again? Hrmm, can't remember, so he goes to talk to Cid. Since nobody can find Louie, not even Sora, Cid comes up with the perfect solution: check again. Turns out, though, that Second District is absolutely covered in blox. After smashing a ton of them, Sora leaped over roofs and walls of the blox in order to finally access Third District. However, Sora still couldn't find anything here either! Sora decided to give up, and as such headed back to the First District to tell Cid and the ducks of the bad news. However, while in Second District, Sora heard Dewey call out to him. Dewey had actually managed to get himself traped between reality and the bugged glitch variation of the area. Lovely.

So, to save Dewey from what would be a multidimensional crushing, Sora enters yet another Backdoor. Sora learned to move blox around, and combine blox. More importantly, though, the Heartless overcame Sora yet again. Sora made it past the powerful beings, and with plenty of System Pies. However, Sora couldn't help but wonder how many more times he would fall to the dark manifestations...

Back in Traverse Town, Sora did remove the glitch of Traverse Town. However, Louie was aaaaaaall the way at the top of the tallest building in all of Traverse Town. Sora transcends the stars blox to save Louie, and miserably takes him back to Cid. At last, all three of the little devils are back! With some help from a certain black cloaked man, Sora enters Traverse Town's Keyhole. And what's this... it's... it's... a'me, Mario! a side-scrolling stage, like in Super Mario Bros.!

Sora: "What just happened!? I feel... flat."

The only difference is that if Sora gets caught by the left screen side, he doesn't die. He just loses HP. Boo, right, and this is Critical Mode! Also, the Shadows aren't like Goombas in that Sora cannot just step on them to kill them. Alas, all enemies had to be smitten with the Keyblade or abilities Sora got from these diamond items. However, Sora fell quite a few times during this; the universal force is pretty sure that it wasn't that bad at Super Mario Bros. Several times, Sora lost control of his reality; for example, he respawned at a spot where he simply fell again. The universal forces simply facepalmed at this.

Finally, Sora miraculously made it to the final stage of Super Sora Bros. The universal lord was mildly impressed, and continued to guide Sora along the path to greatness. Suddenly though, along this path to greatness, the path itself fell! Sora was now underground, just like in World 1-2. Sora strolls along the much simpler path... when suddenly, a suit of purple armor appears! It's none other than the recurring and predictable Heartless boss from Traverse Town, Guard Armor! Though expecting to do well, Sora died very quickly against the Guard Armor due to the fact that he was trying to find the cleverly placed hammer that would crush the bridge under Guard Armor. This didn't work very well, considering it DOESN'T EXIST.

After several attempts to vanquish the Guard Armor, Sora had no luck. Between Guard Armor's constant movement, gigantic laser, and ability to summon spiny blox, Sora had no hope. He couldn't even heal!  And yet, the universal forces at work pushed him to work harder, better, faster, stronger! At last, Sora destroyed the Guard Armor by following him everywhere, and narrowly avoiding his humongous laser. For his great work, Sora obtained his first new Keyblade: the Wishing Star.

Now, for the second time, and ultimately at least the third time in history, Sora sealed Traverse Town's Keyhole. Outside the data world, Overlord Mickey deduces that whenever Sora seals a world's Keyhole, more of the journal is reveal. His revelation is cut short, though, when suddenly Heartless appear in the castle! Mickey vanquished the dark creatures quickly, but some force has sealed them in the computer room of the castle...

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