Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lolkick Sims Log III - Toilets N' Gills

Where we last left off, Tabris Schiller changed Hexed's masculine, all-black bed into a mixture of pink, lime green, yellow, and aqua sheets. Hexed awoke in a shock, and jumped out of his bed in fright. Hexed grabbed a plate of waffles and ran to a chair in the now brightly lit computer room. But Hexed didn't care about the waffles. After he finished the last tasteless bite of his meal, Hexed just stared at the wall... motionless... lifeless.... Meanwhile, Tabris was getting a promotion from his boss and was totally in the clear for the prank he pulled.

And that left Door. Door, finishing work, hopped in with his carpool and began the ride home. However, as they cruising alone the forest-filled roads, a car suddenly stopped them from moving any further. As it turns out, the driver was some kind of medical agent. Door, a low scientist, was for some reason wanted in the medical field. Door was sure this was a mistake. He coaxed the man back into his car, who at this point was yelling in confusion. Door decided it would simply be best to flee the scene. His carpool and he quickly sped away toward the city.

When Door arrived home with a wonderful $418, he found Hexed in a state of shock in his chair. Door managed to bring Hexed out of his daze and got him ready for work in time, thankfully. It was a mystery what had happened... that is, until he saw Hexed's bed. Despite not knowing how it happened, Door changed back Hexed's bed. Wait, it was all red, right? Yeah, that's probably what it was. So Door made it all red just as Tabris was coming home. Tabris silently scoffed at this, then went straight to playing computer games for several hours. Meanwhile, Door saw a wonderful sight through the window: his apple trees were  ready to harvest! Oh, the joys of trees that grow in a matter of days in the wonderful world of Sims.

At this point, it was getting late. Door hit the shower and then went to his butterfly-covered bed. Tabris, though, needed something to eat, so he went to make spaghetti for everybody. After finishing his meal, Hexed's carpool drove up, Tabris quickly threw his food into the sink for Hexed to clean and went to sleep. Hexed arrived home and found his bed... red! He didn't even care anymore; this day was crazy, and not just with his bed. Hexed decided to just put this day behind him; he cleaned up the dishes from the day as usual, since he worked a night job, and nothing could possibly go wrong. And then Hexed broke the sink. The sink began to spew water all over the floor. Hexed, in a furious rage, just gave up, and went to sleep.

Door awoke soon after to the sound of a rattling pipe and slopping water. Door, still hardly clothed, ran to the scene. He mopped up what could, but it was no use; the water was coming out faster than he could clean it. Since Door was hardly even experienced with tool and repair, he decided to call a repair technician... at 3:45 AM. To wait out the hour long wait, Door ate some leftover spaghetti. At about 5 AM, the tall, blonde lady in overalls arrived. Tabris, now awake, decided to pull a little prank on the lady. After the repairwoman finished the sink, Tabris crept up behind the woman and yelled into her ear, causing a similar yell to be produced from his victim. Tuesday, the woman, argued with Tabris for a little while, then left in a rage.

Well, at least the sink was fixed. Door, a little shocked at what Tabris just did, silently cleaned up the dishes. Meanwhile, Tabris found that the TV was smoking. Man, they really don't take care of their stuff. However, Tabris was convinced that the local repairmen were terrible, so decided that he could fix the television himself! ...Of course, Door figured this out after he already called another repair person. The repairman came over anyway, only to spend an hour watching Tabris fix the television. Tabris didn't get a chance to argue with this repairman, though, as he had to run off to work. However, the repairman still demanded payment from Door, who was reluctant to fork over his hard-earned money for a job Tabris could have done. Still, he did, and he too left for work.

Hexed woke up to a much more pleasant day this time. Blissfully unaware of the various repairmen that had just been in the house, Hexed cleaned up the puddle from the mysteriously no-longer-broken sink, and then made leftover spaghetti. However, Hexed still have several hours to go before work. So, Hexed ordered some new purple light bulbs, and replaced all of the lights in the computer room with purple lights. The room was now more purple than a tulip, like a dance spot or dark jazz club. Satisfied, he now began to work on a fictional novel: Sara Canara and the Toenail Sword. After writing a few chapters, he headed out the door to work.

Door and Tabris came home around the same time. Tabris, exhausted from chasing a particularly terrible villain today threw a shopping mall, city park, and elementary school, went immediately to sleep. Yeah, it was 4 PM, oh well. Door didn't have much energy either. After eating the last of the leftover spaghetti, he too went to sleep. The house was quiet, peaceful, serene for several hours... and then Hexed Magica came home, with a nice promotion in hand. However, at 10 PM, someone rang the doorbell. Hexed answered the door. A woman in a white lab coat, pink shirt, and pink shorts with red hair was there. With hand gesture and all, Hexed shooed the woman away, who left in a bit of a mood.

To crown this achievement, Hexed bought some new equipment for the kitchen. However, he was having some difficulty fitting four new counters, a microwave, a coffee machine, a trash can, and a dishwasher into a 6x4 space. So Hexed decided it was time to EXPAND! Hexedmagica expanded the bathroom to be over twice its former size, and made a proper bedroom for the Sims. He completely forgot about the kitchen. But wait, then Hexed tried to redo all of the flooring and wallpaper. Then, several decisions and wall crushings later, Hexed realized he didn't have enough money to do everything he wanted. He used all $5000 that the three of them had saved up. So, he had to stop halfway... now the kitchen was merged with the bathroom. So, when Door or Hexed would be taking a shower or using the toilet, they would know that Tabris could be watching him while he cooks his spaghetti.

Oh well, no big deal. Hexed went to mose things over in the bathroo--wait, where's the toilet? WHERE'S THE TOILET? Hexed seemed to have lost the toilet somewhere along the way in the remodel. Even the sink was gone! Thankfully, Hexed managed to hold on the shower in the bathroom. All this for a dishwasher. Now, with a mere $68 left for the family to live on without a toilet, or privacy. Still, Hexed felt that he had improved the house... somehow...

Door somehow slept through all of the demolition and reconstruction. Tabris, on the other hand, was perfectly awake during the whole time, as he was playing computer games all night. However, the power got disconnected several times when Hexed set up new electrical lines to the dishwasher. Now that it was so late and his work was done, Hexed joined Door in sleep... in a separate bed, of course. Tabris stayed up for awhile on his computer games... all night, in fact.

Tabris wasn't even affected the next morning; in fact, he even seemed particularly energetic. Door, however,  had a less pleasant morning. Door awoke with an urge to pee. He stormed into the bathroom/kitchen--only to find no toilet! Door had to act quickly. He had to sell something to buy a toilet. Nobody used the TV anymore, after Tabris's little repairman incidents, so he sold that for a quick $300 to buy a new toilet. Door decided to get a little crazy, though, and ordered a toilet with orange and yellow stripes. Door now ran to the colorful commode and peed with lasting satisfaction.

Now that it was Saturday, neither Door nor Tabris had to work. The two decided to spend the day at the city pool. At promptly 6 AM, the two left in the still dark morning to the luscious, tile-covered establishment. For some reason, the taxi didn't get them there until about 7:30 AM. Darn slow taxis. Pff't. However, upon entering the pool, neither of them came back up for air. However, they both continued to swim, splash, and enjoy themselves in the pool. Obviously, Door and Tabris are actually mermen. They sprout gills in the water, exchanging their air-breathing lungs for water-filtering skin gills. After having lots of finny fun, the two dried off and went somewhere else...

Central Park. Tabris and Door got into the time-slow taxi again to go across the street to the park. The two walked around on their own a bit, then coincidentally both decided to do some fishing. Tabris told Door that he had been here before with Hexed, though Door didn't seem to take much interest in conversation. The fish were very lively at 11 AM. Before leaving, the two went to go check out a swing set. There was a family nearby, so the duo took up the swingset before the youthful, innocent children could take the seats. Door wanted to swing for longer, but Tabris refused to. In fact, he wanted to leave as soon as possible...

He said that he swore he saw someone tall staring at them from behind the tree by the pond they were just fishing at.

So instead, the two headed home. Or at least, that's what they thought. The taximan wanted to show them a beautiful new house in town, and ended up taking them not to the Lolkick Household, but to a beachside place very far north of town. It was practically a mansion; the entire second floor had a balcony overlooking the beach, and the whole thing must have been at least three stories tall. The house was magnificent, to say the least. Tabris, thinking the house hadn't been purchased yet, did the most sensible thing: swim in their pool. Door laughed at this, and also picked up an odd trinket that he found outside the house.

Suddenly a large red car pulled up. Walking out of it was a giant man, as tall as perhaps a small tree, with a small face... if he even had one. He just stared at Tabris, paying no attention to Door. Door told Tabris to come out of the water to meet this guy... but then he was gone, faster than lightning he must have been. Presumably he must have gone into the house in a flash.

Almost immediately afterwords, a more horizontal figure approached the house. A small boy dressed entirely in green rode up to the house on his bike, completely oblivious to the two Lolkick Sims' presence. Flowing so quickly between actions, he rid himself of the bike and walked up to the house's front door, passing through it. Door could seem him through the window behind the wall of the house, and he seemed to be paying some kind of attention to the two.

Door and Tabris decided to leave at this point. Tabris was started to feel particularly tired, and neither of them was "comfortable" with their company. A taxi was called, and the two left quickly. Door dared not look back, though Tabris swore he saw the figure from the park again, by a tree in the front yard....

And during all of this, meanwhile, Hexed was sleeping.

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