Friday, May 20, 2011

Doorsey and the Insano Day

Today was insane. Simply put.

I finished my final exam yesterday for this year of courses. Now I have three months off to enjoy no notes, tests, exams, or late night studying. So I was expecting that the first day of this great break would be lazy and peaceful.

Oh, how wrong I was. The funny thing, though, is that the events of this day actually start last night... kind of. As a result of my late night exam studying Wednesday night, I was exhausted on Thursday. I crashed after eating something... at 6 PM. However, my body was so in need of long sleep that I slept all the way until 3 AM. I awoke lying on top of my bed, no sheets or covers on me, with the lights and fans on. After a few minutes of lazily laying there, I realized it might be a good idea to actually get some real sleep, not fully understanding that I had just accumulating a whopping NINE hours of sleep.

So I changed, washed up a bit, and tried to sleep. However, as hard as I tried, as comfy as I got, and as much as I tried to ignore the fact that Slenderman could form in my room to kill/rape/eat me at any given moment this late at night, I could not sleep. It was impossible. I tried watching TV, listening to classical music, and simply blocking out all thoughts. Nothing could quell my mind or put me into a state of unconsciousness. This torture continued for hours... until 5:30 AM in fact. That's when things got bad. I noticed that the ominous, greenish blue light of day began to creep though my windows. The symphonic cries of the trees' birds began to beautifully fill my ears. "EFFING HELL, WHY CAN I NOT SLEEP?" I thought. It began to seem impossible, truly. Somehow I got myself to sleep before 6 AM.

... And then was awake at 9 AM. And I was planning on waking up at 8 AM! I had to be up early so I could shower and practice my saxophone before going over to the local freshman band to help them learn a few songs. I quickly rushed through a shower, practiced a bit, and drove to my destination. I played, sounded amazing, all was fine. After this, I was with my mother, so we went to buy a few tickets to a local production of a musical in a few weeks. Then we decided, being downtown around noon and all, we should probably go out to lunch. So we found a restaurant/diner/burger place. We went in, sat down.... and then realized that neither of us had cash on us.

So, what did we do? We walked out of the restaurant/diner/burger place and drove ALL AROUND DOWNTOWN looking for an ATM. Finally we just decided to go the bank, and we got some money. Then we drove ALL THE WAY BACK to the restaurant/diner/burger place, and placed an order. Two burgers and two drinks, not hard, right? Well apparently that takes half an hour to be made. Lovely. So there happened to be a gift and trinkets shop next door, so we went in there. Turns out it was a candle shop... actually, no. "Candle shop" is an understatement. It was more like a candle convention. Candle symposium. Candle-palooza. Candle concentration camp. Candles were as far as the eye could see, a plethora of candles that boggled my mind's... candle capabilities. For all I knew, I had left this universe into one in which everything is manifested as some kind of candle. Like offices and country gift shops.

Thankfully, I escaped Candle Land. As it turns out, the other half of the store sold Christian-based items. However, what really caught my eye were these model horses. They were expertly crafted horses with themes. One was green with plants all over it, and another had a unicorn drawn on it while it was a unicorn, aka META UNICORN HORSEY. Anyway, a special one was called "King of Hearts." It was brown, had white legs, a red mane, and was covered in card symbols and hearts. This reminded me of the well-known video game series, Kingdom Hearts. Specifically, the world Kingdom Hearts in the games. And, as evidenced by the story Tabris Schiller documented yesterday, this horse therefore must have been A DRAGON.

An hour more of this waiting, and our food was finally ready. My Sprite was a bit flat, and my burger had mustard on exactly half of it. Weird, yes. Satisfying, also yes. After this little errand-running adventure, I finally went home. However, I got a text message. Apparently there was a drum major meeting in an hour that I had to attend. I was so looking forward to not having to return to my place of education for an entire two or three months, and I was already returning after only a day! Plus, I had only an hour's notice! So I went home, ate some strawberry cheesecake-flavored jelly beans (AH-MAY-ZAH), and then went to the meeting.

Nothing interesting happened during the meeting, other than the fact that it took two hours. I then went home, ate something, and then got ready to go to a dance recital quite a few of my friends were performing in. I arrived at the auditorium a tad bit late, though the show hadn't started yet. I sat by this guy who was major crushing on my best friend (who is a girl) and had brought flowers for her. You can only imagine the awkwardness of sitting by him for two hours as his eyes followed her dancing form like a magnet.

After the recital ended, I said hello to a few familiar faces, and then began to head out. BUT THEN! I got invited to go with my two friends to IHOP. At 9 PM. Sure, why not. So I went to IHOP, with my one guy friend who I knew... fairly well, and then EVAN. Evan is a silly little girl who I argue with constantly. It's always playful, but we are constantly arguing and "mad" at each other, and then best friends the next. I think it's joking. I think.

Anyway, I walked in, and the first thing I saw was this friend of mine who has been flirting very hard with Evan lately there with someone else, and the feeling is mutual with her. I payed no mind to it, he's a good friend of mine. The three of us sat down, and we ordered drinks. Evan consistently threw little pieces of straw paper into my iced tea. Thanks to the spoon I was provided, I was able to fish these out. However, this brought about an interesting question: what at IHOP needs a spoon? Seriously, it's not like they serve cereal.

Once our food came, so did someone else. The guy I saw. He sat by me, which was great since he was my friend. We all had a long discussion about life and showers and Harry Potter and the new Pirates movie (IHAVETOSEETHSIMOVIEITSGOINGTOBEAHMAYZAH). After much bickering with Evan and pancake-consuming, we finally left. My guy friend offered to drive us all since we got dropped off rather than drove to IHOP. Hooray for convenience transportation. Anyway, it turns out we were going to make a little stop before we went home:

Wal-Mart. We were going to Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart at 11 PM.

Sure, why not. So we walked in and went to buy milk. We spent about three minutes going through every single jug of milk to make sure than none of the expired after May 30, which was funnily the first one we grabbed. After this we picked up some kind of make up age-defying cream magic substance stuff. It occurred to me at this point that my friend had to be buying this either for someone else or for some special reason, though I tried to not think about. We also got this stuffed animal alien for Evan as a joke. It also make the six-year-old girl riding in her mom's cart in front of us look sad. I think she was afraid of it. But hey, that's why children should be asleep at 11:20 PM, not at Wal-Mart registers. Then, after arguing with the register lady about why Evan was carrying everything and not us, we finally left the store.

In the parking lot, a car had been tagged with shoe polish. It said "Sexy" on it. Evan suddenly stopped walking and said, "...........Sex." She showed us the car. "Oh, glad you can read, Evan," I said. Evan then proceeded to exclaim at the top of her lungs, in the Wal-Mart parking lot right outside the door at 11:30 PM, "THE CAR SAYS SEX!! DO YOU SEE SEX ON THERE???" Effing hell. So we then drove to our homes, to the tunes of some explicit rap music. And since it wasn't "Libera Me From Hell", it was sucky music.

And now, here I am, an hour or so later, typing up a blog post about this day. Either I have no life or I've not been writing because I'm been to busy. Probably a combination of the two.

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