Monday, July 4, 2011


This is a transclusion of my only Note on Facebook; I just wrote it tonight after the fireworks.

Tonight I feel like I had an epiphany. Perhaps the fireworks inspired it. Simply due to how it's affected my outlook on life, though, I'm sharing it with you.

After mentally analyzing myself over the last year, I realized that I had taken on a very undesirable quality: I became judgmental. I remember thinking badly of people for the choices they made, or finding myself disapproving of others for how and why they make their decisions. I thought their reasoning was poor, and it spawning negative emotions from me. I think I may have started isolating myself, to a small extent, as a result of this.

It wasn't until tonight, under the glow of hundreds of sparkling fireworks, that I realized the truth of the matter.

Life isn't meant to be easy. Life is perhaps God's hardest trail for humanity, in my opinion. If life was easy, what would we have to learn from it? Experiencing things that are undesirable or disagreeable is simply a part of life. It is just as unavoidable as heat in the summer and a frosty chill in the winter. I think I began to see people not for how they were, not for how God created and meant for them to be, but for instead negative qualities, far too often.

A perfect life with none of this difficulty and negativity doesn't exist.
(At least, not here on Earth.)

Tonight, I accepted the fact that this is reality. Life is what it is because a loving God made it that way, and I think I understand that now. There will always be people who will make bad choices. There will always be people who surrender their lives and love to substances and materials to find happiness. There will always be people who let their social life, status, and friends replace their own will in making decisions. And that's just something I have to accept. I don't have to agree it, and I certainly will never embrace it. However, being exposed to these things and experiences makes life what it is: difficult. Through this difficulty, though, I'm made a stronger person. By exposing me to these people and experiences that God knows I do not agree with, He is making a stronger person, better preparing me to take on this whole world. Whatever may come at me, He is making me ready for it.

Now, I see that, clear as crystal.

Life is what it is: harsh far too often. And it is that same life I will live and grow stronger from.

God Bless. Happy 4th.

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