Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Death of Message Box

I decided to remove the Message Box (CBox) from the sidebar. I had simply gotten tired of seeing all of the spammed advertisements for others' blogs in there. However, CBox was resistant to my efforts. It tried to run away, to halt its undeniable fate. Oh, but when will it learn? There is no such thing as coincidence; there is only inevitability.

But alas, CBox came to meet its fate. How, you ask? Long story short, the remains of CBox are now flowing down some South American river, never to be seen again.

I appreciate those of you who left encouraging or positive comments, but about 90% of what was in that box was horribly written advertisements by blog walkers who had no real interest in my writing. Even though I have, what, two regular readers, I still don't like having all of that nonsense of to the side of my posts.

Also, if you are being so generous with your Internet time to read my posts, be sure to follow me with your Google Account so I can see who you are! Thanks!

More posts coming up, fresh from the Void Oven.


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