Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Death of Message Box

I decided to remove the Message Box (CBox) from the sidebar. I had simply gotten tired of seeing all of the spammed advertisements for others' blogs in there. However, CBox was resistant to my efforts. It tried to run away, to halt its undeniable fate. Oh, but when will it learn? There is no such thing as coincidence; there is only inevitability.

But alas, CBox came to meet its fate. How, you ask? Long story short, the remains of CBox are now flowing down some South American river, never to be seen again.

I appreciate those of you who left encouraging or positive comments, but about 90% of what was in that box was horribly written advertisements by blog walkers who had no real interest in my writing. Even though I have, what, two regular readers, I still don't like having all of that nonsense of to the side of my posts.

Also, if you are being so generous with your Internet time to read my posts, be sure to follow me with your Google Account so I can see who you are! Thanks!

More posts coming up, fresh from the Void Oven.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle

When you think of crossovers, you probably think of horribly done fanfiction. You probably think of fans making impossible, even nonsensical combinations of characters and storylines. More canonically, you might even think of the few TV or OVA specials of some shows or anime, respectively, that crossover or simply just cameo characters into a crossover. CLAMP, however, has managed to do something completed different with their amazing crossover anime, Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle.

It's actually difficult to call Tsusbasa: Reservoir Chronicle a crossover anime. Fans of Cardcaptors or Cardcaptor Sakura will notice that in the poster to the left, the two main characters of the story are indeed taken from one of CLAMP's previous anime series, one that I grew up with and is close to my childhood heart. However, you'll also notice that there are two other characters in the poster that are completely original. In a sense, they are actually all original. What CLAMP has done is they have taken some characters from previous anime series that have created, but removed all of the characters' backgrounds and histories within their original world. Now, they have a completely new life, history, and destiny. This makes Tsubasa a much cleaner and more natural-feeling crossover to the point that it simply doesn't even feel like one. Instead, Tsubasa feels like a completely original story, which it is, clearly geared toward fans of the CLAMP universe, yet is still open and new enough to attract hoards of new fans.

Monday, July 4, 2011


This is a transclusion of my only Note on Facebook; I just wrote it tonight after the fireworks.

Tonight I feel like I had an epiphany. Perhaps the fireworks inspired it. Simply due to how it's affected my outlook on life, though, I'm sharing it with you.