Friday, October 1, 2010

Scandalous Wiki

Let me begin this blog post by saying welcome to Rants from Beyond the Door. The need for an outlet of my emotions has led me to the creation of this blog, mostly brought on by the drama that occurs at the wiki I contribute to, as well as my stressful school life. Alright, now let's get to the serious stuff, if this is at all what could be called "serious."

I've learned that I'm not perfect in any respect. I can be rude, I've lied, and I'm responsible for many other things that I'm not particularly proud of. But I think that I started seeing how unforgiving and judgmental people can be this summer. The wiki I work at, the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, had an IRC channel. Finally, as a channel operator, I announced my departure from that channel in July, no longer able to deal with the idiocy, incompetency, ignorance of rules, and the flood of young'ins there. So I left, and went to a new channel just weeks later. This channel was the IRC channel of our neighbor wiki, the Final Fantasy Wiki. Very few users who tormented and abused me on my former channel dual-channeled here, so I felt safe. I knew the general community here, and it was a much more mature one. I was able to unwind here, and didn't feel like I was babysitting users as I had been.

That is, until now. A few days ago, I said some stuff on the IRC channel. Basically, I made statements along the lines of...

User: People still talk about the stuff you said
User: Some are beginning to see you MAY have had a point
Me: Wait, no.
Me: That's impossible, Feasinde.
Me: That would require their community to be capable of thinking thoughts other than that of weaboos and KHophiles.
Here, I basically offended the community of my former channel. It was my honest opinion, the channel was always talking about random anime and manga many of hadn't heard of, and talked about nonsensical KH fanon and annoying KH-related topics and arguments that got WAY too dramatic.

User: maggosh is a bitch
Me: Agreed in every sense of the word.

Maggosh is a user from my old channel. After a running gag I started on KHWiki, Maggosh became infuriated with me, and hated me and made jokes/insults toward me in any serious forums or subjects for awhile after. Now, Maggosh apologized to me a week or so ago, and I accepted his apology, but I feel like what happened with this may have ruined that.

Me: Idea: Get B-crat. Ban everyone, delete everything.

I posted this as a joke, in response to some "traumatic" events on the wiki. The user who leaked these logs is young, very young, like eleven, and could not tell I was joking.

That's right. I just said "leaked these logs." A user from #FFWiki was in fact a spy from #wikia-kingdomhearts, who sent all of these logs above and more to a bureaucrat of KHWiki. I couldn't believe this. I went to this new channel as a solace from the hatred of my old channel, and now I get this. And now, this bureaucrat sent secret messages behind almost all of the staff's back to an admin who was her friend, and the other bureaucrat. Rather foolishly, the admin posted both e-mails on a forum on the KHFanon Wiki.

I saw this, and was shocked. My reputation was ruined on KHWiki, and there was even talk of getting my position as administrator removed. The bureaucrat sent me a message, threatening to remove the rights. However, another administrator, one who I consider a good friend of mine and expert in policy, defended me, saying that I couldn't be punished on KHWiki for events outside of KHWiki. The usually argumentative bureaucrat had nothing to say back. The situation had calmed, for now.

I then took the time to read the e-mails again, to digest what had really just happened. Basically, the first e-mail stated concern from the bureaucrat that was sent my logs that I was disrespecting not only the wiki, but also maggosh, even saying that it isn't the first time I haven't gotten along with another user. I know who they are talking about, and there was nothing I could do. That user was intent on keeping up a dislike of me, and never was honest in apologies, it would seem. I treat all users the same, what you get from me depends on how you act. It's like inputs and outputs.

Furthermore, the e-mail says that I am using the community of this new channel to aid me in voting. The Kingdom Hearts Wiki votes on an image to be featured each month, and I jokingly nominated a plain, "boring" one. I posted the link on #FFWiki, and it received community interest. Now, was I trying to get more voters? Of course. Voting is a competition, after all, between nominating parties. HOWEVER, the debate is over the tactics I used. It has been reported I have been bribing and canvassing to get more voters, which is not true at all. I posted a link, it got community interest. And if the users were willing to vote for the image, they would have voted for it whether I had showed it to them or not. All I did was reveal how much support there was for this joke image, I had no bad intentions. As usual, a misconception.

The worst of all is that I was blamed for an attack from The Swarm. For those of you who don't know, "The Swarm" is a group of vandals that attacks a wiki, website, or forum at once in copious numbers. Over 100 vandals struck the KHFanon Wiki last week or so, and this e-mail says that I may have been the source of it. I couldn't believe this. I, an honest administrator, was being blamed for arranged a mass vandalism on a wiki I HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO. This is shocking, and there isn't even a reasonable reason to connect me being on #FFWiki and a Swarm attack on KHFanon Wiki. Nonsense, I say!

In the second e-mail, I am called a monster, a troll even, changed by the main users of #FFWiki. They are blaming admins, mods, and regular contributors for me playing out a little joke and speaking my mind. Worse, I am called this by the bureaucrat who I've spoken to as a deep friend so many times. I am shocked, stunned, speechless that she posted this. I thought that someone of her intelligence and experience would know better, but I can see I was mistaken. It feels like a relationship has never been so dynamic, since I never want to even speak with the bureaucrat in a forum at the most again. The Final Fantasy Wiki's channel itself is even attack for being above PG-rating, when in fact no such rule has ever existed on the channel. The bureaucrat is assuming that the rules for my old channel are universal, not true at all in any sense.

And now, users believe that I am a vandal, and about to lose my administrator position. The spy, who I discovered with the aid of a friend, even said I would be banned. Then again, this spy is the same eleven year-old from earlier, so his over-dramatizing the situation is certainly not surprising.

The admins who were once my friends now hate me. This is all one huge misconception, blown into a furious storm of hatred. I can't stop it. Heck, I'm not even sure if the general community knows if I know that the logs were posted. But what I know is certain is that the staff doesn't trust me anymore. How much longer until I'm back to regular user? Or I'm known as "that one vandal?" Or until I'm banned hopelessly, watching as the community celebrates my departure? I haven't done anything with malicious intent. I spoke my mind, with the courtesy to not offend anyone where I said it.

But now, as leaked by the spy's messages, the staff of KHWiki is sending spies to watch me. I feel like everything I say will just be sent to the admins and bureaucrats. And to think, I'm an admin myself! I don't feel safe or comfortable chatting anymore in that channel. Spies are watching me, and it's now going to start negatively impact #FFWiki. The only solution to this is to leave #FFWiki, but I shall not do this. This only lets the bureaucrats and admins know they've won, they got what they wanted. But they elected me. They chose me. And this is what they get, it's what they wanted.

So bureaucrats, what I say to you is that everything is fine, and you have nothing to worry about. Whether another user has upset me is my business, and that is no concern of yours, especially when it is off-site. Sending secret spies and sending secret e-mails is not going to solve this. If you have a problem, say it to me directly, because all of this sneakiness doesn't make you seem any better than the overzealous jerks you are acting as.

Until next rant, my nonexistent readers.


  1. ....I've got to say something to you, but I'd prefer it was in private. Can you query me on the IRC soon?
