Saturday, August 27, 2011

Evangelion 3.0 Footage Analysis

Hello readers! Wow, we've sure come a long way in about thirty posts, haven't we? OVER 1,000 HITS! I can't thank ya'll enough, it's good to know at least one eukaryote out there is reading my wonderful rants about movies, anime, life, etc.

On that note, sorry for my recent hiatus. Even though I don't regularly update, I've been especially busy lately with some stuff involved with that mysterious "Real Life" concept... hmm, wonder what this is. However, none of this really matters because our prayers have been answered! A blessing has been given unto Man! It iS A MoThEr fReAkInG mIrAcLe mAn, hOnK hOnK hOnK.

After literally years of waiting, GAINAX has finally released a clip of Evangelion 3.0. For those who don't know, I am a total geek for anything Neon Genesis Evangelion, so this is a big deal. At least, for me it is. Evangelion 3.0 is part of Anno's recreating of the series into four updated movies, collectively titled Rebuild of Evangelion. There's actually quite a story behind the origins of Rebuild of Evangelion after the series was literally about ten years old, so let's dive right into that first.