Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Final Fantasy Type-0: A Preview

"You spoony bard!" "There's not a thing I don't cherish!" "We live to make the impossible possible!" "I, Garland, will knock you all down!" "Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men!" All of these are somewhat infamous quotes from one of the most successful and well-known video game series ever: Final Fantasy. For years, the Final Fantasy series has graced its audiences with such recurring icons as its rebellious protagonists, fluffy, pom-pom-bearing Moogles, large golden Chocobos, gelatin-based enemies, and the greatest swordsman of all.

 However, such a bright and lifting description is more fitting for the most early entries in the Final Fantasy series, in which you fight as characters wearing humorous onions as armor and are assisted by old man and five-year-olds as magicians. Let's also be sure not to forget cheese, biscuits, AND mashed potatoes! In contrast, more recent entries in the Final Fantasy series have been far from so whimsical and for some gamers, pleasant. Starting in Final Fantasy VII, the plots became more Gothic, the characters became darker and more negative, and so forth. Hopeless and failure became more common in the stories. Thankfully, we still had our cute, cozy, fluffy Chocobos and Moogles to make us feel some sense of familiarity.

But not anymore.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Log III

Welcome back; time for another exciting episode of logging Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. This one is late because I spent the last week submersing myself in Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy. That game is amazing, by the way, I highly recommend it.

Okay, Wonderland. This time around, Sora's looking for completely unexplained items called "Inklings", which no character bothers to fully unveil or clear up for us. However, Sora looks just behind him to see something sparkly and shiny and possibly star-transcending. Once Sora found it to be an Inkling, he discovered it had two of these qualities. Then Sora reminds a girl who looks to be at least in early teens what her name is... only you, Kingdom Hearts, only you. Anyway, off to collect more delicious Inklings.