About a year and a few months ago, I gave up my habit of compulsively reading. I loved to read, especially epic adventure series or popular novels. Due to a demanding schedule of music practice and my coursework, I had to stop. In addition, I also began to have difficulty finding additional books to read to interest me, which also contributed to this stop.
However, over the summer, my dear friend from elsewhere met me, and she recommend a short read to me called "Animal Farm". On my trip back, I did get to stop by a store and pick up Animal Farm, along with a few other classics that hopefully will receive their own blog posts. Now that my auditions are over, I finally had the time to sit down with this book and thoroughly enjoy it. I read the entire book, from Chapter I to the final line about Napoleon's face, in about two or three hours. I can easily say, without a doubt, Animal Farm is one of the best books I have had the deepest pleasure of reading.