It seems my writings have been leaking more than pipes in a cheap motel sink. My #FFWiki logs were leaked out earlier this week, and now someone managed to backtrack my user name (I think) to find this blog. And even better, it got spread all throughout my old channel. Lovely, isn't it? Well, since I don't want this blog to turn into the place to dig up DTN's secrets and statements to use against him, I'm going to take a page out of Hyperbole and a Half's book--or rather, blog--and add overly childish artwork. Hooray!

Probably not the best thing to happen, since my greatest fear in ever creating a blog was that I would end up revealing enough information to give away my true identity. Oh well, cat's out of the bag now.

Other than that, this is just a little message that adds to the title, but my professional alto sax's pads were discovered to be leaking this week. We sent it to an expert sax repairman in a town two hours or so away, should be back in a week. This should hopefully force me to practice tenor and bari for all-state.
By the way, bari sax is designed to frustrate alto sax/tenor sax players, I'm positive of it.
On another musical note, regional marching competition was today, woo! Our rock show, composed of "The Final Countdown", "House of the Rising Sun", and "Bicycle Race", has been a joy to perform at games, so playing it for something other than auxiliary entertainment was even better. I only messed up once that I noticed, and even that wasn't huge enough to be noticed. Y'know, probably.
The results are another story. At this competition, twenty bands attend and perform, and the Top 7 will compete again at the finals, which take place a few hours later. Well, our band got the most aggravating score of all: 8TH PLACE. I was stunned. But, the whole festival was a great experience, and we got to see all of the Top 7 at finals, since we had only seen the two bands proceeding us before the results.
BUT! There were some obvious reasons that our whole marching band realized as to why some bands made it to the Top 7, and some confusion as to why we didn't! We performed extremely highly ranked music, whereas two or three in the Top 7 performed only mid-level selections. After seeing the 6th and 7th placing bands, I did not understand how we did not make it.
This is what was really frustrating: one of the bands had dancers. Seriously, like a dance team. Their entire show was focused around their dancers, dressed in multicolored, abstract dresses to fit in with a mysterious dream theme. Don't get me wrong, their band did some great visuals, but if you had taken away those dancers, their band would not have made it into the Top 7. Apparently, adding dancers to your band makes you over 9000% more popular with the judges.

However, I haven't seen our score/comment sheets yet, so we may have actually done very poorly with marching fundamentals that I couldn't notice. Also, I noticed all of the Top 7 had beautifully (talented, that is) color guard (flag) sections. Some of the flags were beautifully designed and extravagant, whereas ours were plain and rectangular.
Well, that's all there is to say about marching competition.
Until next time, my unexpected readers.
I like your pictures. That cat is pretty cute, actually.
ReplyDeleteThose are some cool illustrations. Haha! I like the humor in all of it! I wish I was as funny as you who can make people laugh and smile with just simple pictures.
ReplyDeleteDarryl Iorio